Saturday 23 April 2016

So, leave the computer and put that chips aside! (Postcard no.4)

There are people who appreciate and enjoy the solitude and I am one of them. We are doing fine, we are good by default, we work hard and when we do not, we work for pleasure. We try to overcome the unspecified needs constantly pushing our limits. This emotional needs, which (seen with our eyes) occur all over the sudden we choice to ignore, hoping denial will erase them from our hearts and souls and set us free. Free from humanity, empathy, humbleness or love!
 In our everyday life, while our promised future becomes today or yesterday, within our hearts we are overcoming the obligations we invented in order to achieve wealth and as we believe for our own good, but paradoxically under the idea of doing something for ourselves, we are doing against ourselves. Distraction, interaction, superficiality. The truth is the work overload is a getaway. The work is a cure to overdose with. 

Occupation lose the game once when you realize that your solitude is becoming loneliness or conscious isolation. I prefer to say that there is a shadow of sorrow which follows solitude. I believe you can simply step into either of it, without being aware, leading your decision into the intense trap. 
The moment when solitude becomes loneliness is when you realize that there are common things you would and you should enjoy in sharing with someone. Everyday situations, often totally bizarre ones, are the sparks of happiness.

You think about this 'someone' whit distance and sadness, because you do not understand who you actually miss. But, it is no one in particular; you miss emotional interaction with similar people. So, the solitude is wonderful until it stops to be. Regardless how introvert and comfortable you are in being alone and cherishing it, there are times you have to recognize that things you love are harming you. 
If your friends live in your computer, then find a person or a few people for who you feel you can share your interests with; those individuals who are easy to roll with, the ones who does not have to be introduced or to tolerate the difference, because they accept it from the beginning.  
Meet people live for walks and talks, for coffees and ice-creams! Meet them, dream about them, be with them! Social interactions and solitude are only appreciated when they follow each other. Do more of what makes you happy, but what includes others as well. Do sports or do drinks! Dance until the morning or have a picnic! Watch the stars is must! Laughing is must! Hugs are must!  Connecting with others on the deep human level is a new collection of the social skills in Spring 2106!  Engaging into and maintaining the true relations, building the tenderness and compassion, empathy and affection is the opportunity to be able to recognize and to use the best outcomes of your solitude moments. Because, people who are spending time with themselves in long contemplation are able to recognize the needs of ones they care for; they are capable to make a room for other person's needs and to create the safe zone for other person's feelings. I truly believe people are connected with their souls. 

So, leave the computer and put that chips aside!

Emotional balance is something which person has to achieve for oneself, and regardless of how much of solitude you need or apply in your life, it feels good to know that you are not alone and that someone is waiting to see you soon.
In this relations and those moments, the solitude becomes inspiration. 

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